Application Page 1/5 | General info 1. Company name 2. Primary contact full name 3. Email (required) 4. Phone 5. Date of registration 6. City 7. Website 8. Other web presence 9. One-liner 10. Industry 11. Stage Idea stage: You’re currently working on an idea for a product/serviceMVP/Seed stage: you have built a minimum viable productProduct market fit: You have validated that your product/service satisfies a market demandScaling Stage: You’re focusing on growth in users, customers, revenue or market share 12. Customer Focus B2BB2CB2GC2CB2B2C Application page 2/5 | Team 13. Nmber of co-founders 14. Is your major co-founder Macedonian? YesNo 15. Number of team members, names and roles 16. Is there previous startup experience in the team? YesNo 17. Can the founders participate full time in the acceleraton process? YesNo Application Page 3/5 | Product 18. Describe the problem you are solving 19. Describe your solution 20. Describe who are your customers and market 21. How many end users do you have and why they use your solution? 22. Do you have registred intelectual property? 23. Who are your compeitors and what is your competitive advantage over them? 24. Describe the impact your company i currently having 25. Is your tech development done in-house or vie external partners? 26. How your solution can be adopted to other markets to solve similar problems? Application Page 4/5 | Finance/Metrics 27. Describe your business model 28. How do you generate income? What are your main revenue streams? (in case you are not generating income, please explain how you intend to generate income in the future) 29. What main metrics are you tracking for your company and what are the numbers in the last 6 mouths ( or mounts you have dates for) ? 30. What are your scaling ambitions? Whar scale do you plan to reach in 6 and 12 mounts from now? 31. Have your company recived any investment to date? If yes indicate how much 32. Are you looking for funding? If yes, how much? 33. How long do you estimate it would take for your solution to return profit? Application Page 5/5 | Other 34. Pitch deck *Please note that the maximum file size that you can upload is 4MB otherwise your application will result with an error. 35. Why do you belive this program is for you? 36. Where did you find out about this program?